With a fractured tibia, Brittany hobbled down the aisle at the Cuyamaca College Water Conservation Garden’s gazebo, wincing but smiling. When we had gotten together to do their venue walk-through & planning consultation, ironically, I was on crutches with a broken toe! Sigh! Brittany truly shined though & let her amazing San Diego backyard wedding happen all around her!

“Baseball legend Cal Ripken Jr. said, ‘You can be a kid for as long as you want when you play baseball.’ Knowing that you two are ballers who love the game, I encourage you to think of your marriage the same way. Your love will keep you young, make the routine seem fresh, and always give you a goal to reach for on the horizon…if you keep swinging when you’re at the plate, if you remember that this right here—this is the home team—and if you remember why you love the game…even when it’s raining or you’re down 5 runs. (To audience) Now let me ask all of you…do we like fair-weather, band wagon fans? NO! BOO! So, remember, Brittany + Zach, what it means to be a team…because we keep on loving the Padres even though they finished this season with 75 wins and 82 losses, right? There will be winning seasons & there will be losing seasons, but you’ll still be a team.”

With a short, sweet, personalized ceremony, the guests were already entertained & looking forward to the reception located a few miles away in a family friend’s backyard. The backyard was dressed to the 9s! The taco bar was delicious (fresh, home-made tortillas made on-site)! “Bwinnie” & “Zig” entered to Fergie’s “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody”. Then shared a customized First Dance to Tim McGraw’s “My Best Friend.”

I suggested a fun alternative to a Money Dance that I first saw at JP & Caity’s wedding in May. We had a jar marked “Mrs.” and a jar marked “Mr.” on the cake table. Whoever got the fewest “dollar votes” in their jar was the unlucky receiver of cake in their face. Zach took one for the team! (They had to remove frosting from in his nostrils before the Mother-Son Dance).

Our other fun idea was signing the wedding license DURING the reception in a more ceremonial, fun way–rather than it being sort of hidden & quiet off in a corner. As the very last thing we did before open dancing, I brought the two witnesses up to the mic with me & said, “There’s one important thing typically left out of a wedding ceremony & reception–the paperwork. But not today! Witnesses are you ready? Let’s do this.” We had pre-filled in our addresses, date, etc & just quickly signed our names. I then held up the completed license & announced, “It’s OFFICIAL! Let’s dance!!!” Just at that moment Asst DJ Melissa hit the dance floor lights & cranked up Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust!” LOL…..we have way too much fun. Seriously! See how it went down in the video here….just one of the many benefits of having the same person MC your ceremony AND reception!

Looking for a fun San Diego wedding DJ for your San Diego backyard wedding reception or Cuyamaca College wedding ceremony? Look no further!