You. Are. Going. to. Love. This!!! It’s pretty smart if I don’t say so myself 🙂 And I can pretty much guarantee this is not the same old “use fake flowers for centerpieces” wedding budget hack you’ve seen 100x on Pinterest. Are you already daydreaming of how to spend the extra change I’m going to put in your pocket…here it is: my sneaky way to instantly cut a wedding budget by $2,000+.
Buy a cubic zirconia wedding ring for the ceremony–let’s call it your “starter ring”–and, on your first anniversary when the wedding is paid off, replace that faux stone with the real bling! Depending on which statistics you look at, couples are spending, on average, anywhere from $1,500-$4,000 for their wedding rings. Wow! Imagine how much an extra $1,500-$4,000 can contribute to the wedding of your dreams.
Now, I know there are going to be some hating on this idea. It’s a bit radical–I get it. But you know I wouldn’t be recommending it unless I was typing this up with the exact same kind of ring I’m talking about on my hand (the right one fyi).

So last year I wanted an ethical little bit of Valentine’s bling for myself. (A girl has got to treat herself, am I right?) After careful consideration, I decided on a cubic zirconia ring from Amazon. Here’s what I didn’t realize before I bought the ring, they put cubic zirconia in precious metal settings. Just because the rock is faux, doesn’t mean the whole ring has to be. Starting to grow on you, isn’t it?

Here is the cubic zirconia ring I bought…just like the one that can instantly cut your wedding budget by $2,000+. This one is just sterling silver, but there are platinum and gold settings available (as well as platinum- and gold-plated) if desired.

Does my ring look EXACTLY like the one in the picture? Ummm…no. The big center stone has a slight pinkish hue to it. And, after some wear and tear, it is definitely not this shiny (although I have never given it a proper “ring cleaning”). I do recall when I took it out of the box (it was a very nice box btw) that I was wowed. Want to see the real life version now over a year old?

Check out some of the other cubic zirconia wedding rings (and/or engagement rings) on Amazon…I’ve tried to show the wide variety available from $50 to $2,000, from sterling silver to pure gold, from simple to “woa baby.”

Do you have any cubic zirconia rings??? Thoughts? Or tell me what you plan to do with the extra dinero you’ll save by waiting a year to get your dream wedding ring 🙂